02 Jul 2020

Coca-Cola sold 25 Bottles Its’ first year.

Coca-Cola sold 25 Bottles Its’ first year.

The global phenomenon we all know as the Coca-Cola Company only sold 25 bottles the first year but kept going. This is a perfect lesson for you to understand that you should never ever give up on the way to your dream(s)! Success is not a one-time race, but rather a journey that gives you all the nuances of a never-ending inconsistent marathon. History does not hail people that failed, or average people; History writes about individuals that have gone beyond the average mark and have un-earthed extraordinary accomplishments. The difference is they kept pushing forward and understood that FAILURE WAS SIMPLY NOT AN OPTION!

I believe in you and just like Coca-Cola, whatever phase of life you are experiencing stagnancy, you just have to keep pushing. Keep doing your absolute best while remaining confidently optimistic and surround yourself with positive individuals that are ready to push, help and bring the best in you.